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Be gracious towards job,people and everywhere!

POLITE-This word means a lot of meaning and it ranges from nursery to an organisation.
It is born quality for some people.some develop to be so.But most don't even try it.
Being diplomatic and polite can take u to higher posts and skills all through the life.Being polite adds zinc to character and takes to higher position.
                  There 3 kinds of people-
                                              -being polite 
                                              -acting to be polite
  • The first category people are the most sought people to human kind.They have a sense of sincerity,kindness within themselves.They don't boss on the things and don't misuse the authorities given to them.Even though they are knowledgeable they don't  show off.
  • The second category people are the most dangerous people.They act like they are kind and nice but they act for some selfishness.This is will make some problem at one point of time.Identify them and get over these persons.
  • The third category people never obeys the orders.They do things as they wish,thus making a problem to themselves and to the people around them.The knowledge and power gained by them will be useless in this case.
Though they are not born qualities to many one can develop on it for the benefit of themselves and for the people around them.Some of the points that can be quoted to mark the politeness are:
  • Pay attention to the details.
  • Be pleasant to people around.
  • Be flexible in the environment.
  • Help others.
  • Work seriously.
  • Identify your responsibilities.
  • Think everyone as teammate and not as superior or inferior etc..
Understand what you are and what you want to be.Never hesitate to learn new things.Developing these skills will take us to the top of the ladder.
Lets work on it to improve ourselves.

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