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simple and easy way to protect kids from too much media exposure!

  • There at times when kids are getting into the wrong path! the reason behind this is the greatest exposure to media..especially the internet!
  • Facebook,twitter is now so common among kids (even a 5 year kid uses these) which may lead to wrong path at times! the identity may be revealed by the kids,the information may be extracted from them and this may lead to lot of problems........etc etc.....!!parents cant always keep an eye on the kids from these kind of exposures at home!Rather than giving them time for these stuffs .parents can spend more time with the kids!
  • So here is a simple and an easy technique.. which is known to most of the adults to block all these social sites! 

         step 1: Click the Start button and select Run. Now type the following text in that Run                box:

          notepad c:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
  • Related: Edit Files as Administrator
  • Step 2: You will see a new notepad window on your screen containing some cryptic information. Don’t panic. Just goto the last line of the file, hit the enter key and type the following:
  • Save the file and exit. That’s it. None of the above sites will now open on your computer.
  • You can block as many websites as you like with the above technique. If you want to remove the ban later, open the same file as mentioned in Step 1 and delete the above lines.
  • Pretty simple but remember, children are also very smart. And there are some popular ways to unblock websites.So be cautious!

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